Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chinese Core virtues and the five elements

 The Chinese five core values:

. . . of the five elements: 仁 humanity, 禮 propriety, 信 sincerity, 義 fairness and 智 wisdom.
Humanity is ren. This is the virtue of the element wood, expressed as Spring in nature and in people as the ability to treat others with humanity, to strive forward with vision and power acting with benevolence, compassion and equanimity.

Propriety is
li. This is the virtue of the element fire, expressed as Summer in nature and in people as the ability to build a well ordered society, to express love, warmth and good spirits, and to do so with conscious action, appropriateness and human sensitivity.

Sincerity is
xin. This is the virtue of the element earth, expressed as Harvest in nature and in people as the ability to be true to our word, to find a centredness within ourselves with a faithfulness to others.

Fairness is
yi. This is the virtue of the element metal, expressed as Autumn in nature and in people as the ability to know right action, natural balance and moral principle and the value of being fully present.

Wisdom is
zhi. This is the virtue of the element water, expressed as Winter in nature and in people as the ability to act with embodied skill and to have the inner self reflection which results in true knowledge.
 Other resources to share:
Russian educators working on Moral education


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